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Zororo risina zororo

by Oscar Gwiriri

Novel in Shona

Zorodzai akashanyira kumusha kwavo kwaHonde munguva yedenda reCovid 19, pari panguva yezororo. Chakaitika ndechakaitika ariko, vanhu vachirarama pamararamiro avo ayo airatidza kuti vamwe vakange vasingakendengi zvavo pamusoro pekudzivirira denda iri rakange richitekeshera nekutsvaira vanhu pasi pose. Bhuku rino rinobuditsa huumwe hwevanhu vekumamisha uko kunonetsa kuvapatsanura nyangwe pachikurudzirwa kuti vataramuke. Zviitiko zvakafanana nejana, ndufu, matare, misangano nezvimwewo zvinoenderera mberi mukuunganidza vanhu, nepo zviine njodzi. Tinoona sadunhu achiunganidzawo varanda vake kuti avayambire kuti vasaungane. Kuzvitaura tingareva nepasipo, zvave kuda kuzviverengera nyaya iyi inoti kusetsa, kusuwisa nekufadzazve semare.

Zorodzai visits his rural home in Honde at the time of Covid-19 pandemic, during his school break. Whilst he was there, people were living recklessly uncaring of the danger of Covid-19 that was wiping away people all over the world. This novel brings the interconnectedness of the rural folks and how it was difficult to separate them even when the rule was they had to be separated. Activities like cattle herding, funerals, court trials, and village meetings proceeded forward in generating crowds, even though it was dangerous. We see the King telling his subjects to avoid meetings. The novel pervades the Covid-19 theme when it deals with Traditional versus modern Shona Cultural practices on issues to do with death, marriage, ancestral offering, and other day to day activities of Zimbabwean people, especially those of the Manyika tribe, in the eastern Manicaland province of Zimbabwe.

ISBN 9781779314918  | 146 pages | 210 x 148mm | 2023 | Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe | Paperback




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