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It Is Not About Me: Diaries 2010-2011

by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka

It Is Not About Me: Diaries 2010-2011, is not about the diarist, but provides snapshots of life in Zimbabwe over the 2010-2011 period and during the early years of the Government of National Unity of Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T), Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF government and the smaller MDC-N of Welshman Ncube. 90 incisive diaries cover a full year of grappling with Zimbabwe’s slippery politics: the broken economy, the changing social landscape, a moribund culture, spiritual and physical poverty, unrequited love, reading, writing, the condition of the artist and the art of diarizing.

ISBN 9781779065155 | 188 pages | 210 x 148mm | 2020 | Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe | Paperback




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