Doug Miller
Doug Miller - Originally from Ottawa, Doug taught in Malawi from 1968 to 1972 and married his fellow teacher, Nellie Saka, from Kasungu. He was Country Director for Canadian University Service Overseas in Malawi from 1975-76 but fled with his family into exile because the level of oppression had become unsafe and unbearable. There, he became active in LESOMA, the Socialist League of Malawi. In the early 1990s, Doug and Nellie were deeply involved in the Malawi Action Committee and Canadian Friends of Malawi, advocating and lobbying governments and international organisations to bring about an end to the Banda dictatorship. In retirement, he has been active as Director of Makupo Development Group in Montreal, which supports education, health, water, and income generation projects in the Chilanga area near Kasungu.