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Writing Language, Culture, and Development: Volume 1

Africa vs Asia

edited by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka, Wanjohi wa Makokha

Writing Language, Culture and Development has 2 essays, 6 stories, 63 poems, 2 plays, and 50 translations into 13 languages; Chinese, Japanese, Nepalese, Arabic, Russian, Korean, Kiswahili, Shona, Hausa, Idoma, Igbo, Akan Twi, and of course, English, from Authors and poets who reside in these among other countries: South Africa, Japan, Vietnam, Nepal, China, Korea, Rusia, Tunisia, Nigeria, India, USA, Canada, Australia, Italy, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Kenya, and the UK, who are connected to these two continents, Asia and Africa. Nurturing South-South interactions and interlocutions, spiritually is an open ended discourse and praxis.

It is envisioned that this ground-breaking idea will serve as a testament to future cooperations between the two continents. It is hoped Africa and Asia can use their competencies, i.e., human capital, culture, and languages, histories, and deconstructionist agendas, to create developmental competences and this book highlights and explores a number of pathways that creatives of the two lands can explore and exploit as they march into a future of Weltliteratur. The cast and nature of the book and its content is a product of thought, imagination and environment. We invite you to it’s offerings that individually, and collectively, accentuate our allied artistic commitment to the Humanities as an arena of thought on identities, languages, cultures, histories and epistemologies of postcolonial posture.

ISBN 9780797484931 | 298 pages | 229 x 152mm | 2018 | Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe | Paperback




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