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The Gospel Takes Roots on Kilimanjaro

A History of the Evangelical - Lutheran Church of Old Moshi-Mbokomu (1885-1940)

by Klaus Fiedler

The history involved in this book implicated three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe; but it is Africa at the heart of the story. The narrative documents the coming of early Christian missionaries in the nineteenth century from Europe and Asia to the densely populated slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. Here lived two of the several chiefdoms of the Chagga people, the Moshi and Mbokom. Using primary and local sources, the author documents the history of the Old Moshi congregation from the first arrival of Christianity until 1940, including details on its interaction with the famous missionary, Bruno Gutmann.

ISBN 9789990876086 | 84 pages | 216 x 140 mm | 2006 | Kachere Series, Malawi | Paperback




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