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Sewero! Christian Drama and the Drama of Chrstianity in Africa

by Ernst Wendland

‘Sewero’ – ‘a play’ – is the title of a Chinyanja-language, Christian drama radio programme that has been aired on TransWorld Radio in Malawi for over twelve years. Given the low literary rates, and a predominantly oral culture, the significance of vernacular radio drama cannot be overestimated. Indeed, radio is now the most common, creative and dynamic medium for mass communication in Africa, with much potential for influencing social change.

This book explores and describes the genesis, historical development and genius of Chinyanja radio plays in Malawi, with reference to African traditional religion. It analyses the key subjects that feature in the Sewero productions: magic, witchcraft, sorcery, marriage, family life and sexuality. The author concludes by making some recommendations regarding adaptations of Sewero to different media and modes of expression, and for translations and new programmes in other African languages. The introduction is provided by Patrick Semphere who is the National Director of TransWorld Radio (Malawi).

ISBN 9789990876260 | 296 pages | 216 x 140 mm | 2005 | Kachere Series, Malawi | Paperback




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