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Mambo Hills

Historical and Religious Significance

by Marieke Clarke

Mambo Hills: Historical and Religious Significance considers the sacred site to the north-east of Bulawayo that is also known as Intaba zi ka Mambo or Manyanga. Officials of the Mwali Religion that is practised there took leading roles in the War of the Red Axe of 1896, which nearly ended British South Africa Compant rule in Southern Rhodesia. In the path-breaking study, with an introduction by Pathisa Nyathi, Marieke Clarke draws on oral tradition as well as archival material to write the history, up to recent times of this area that has importance across Zimbabwe.

ISBN 9780797435896 | 36 pages | 208 x 145mm | B/W Illustrations | 2008 | amabooks Publishers, Zimbabwe | Paperback



"In this booklet Marieke Clarke has done much to show how place, history and biography inevitably entangle across Zimbabwe’s wider landscapes, and not just at a few, monumentalised and highly celebrated sites, magnificent as they maybe."

Dr Joost Fontein, University of Edinburgh

"All in all this is an interesting and important work that focuses on local areas and agency rather than broad sweeping panoramas. The author and publishers are also to be congratulated on ensuring that it is made available locally. Too often now our history is written and published elsewhere, so that we at home are denied access to it; we are studied and written about but the results are never shared with the actual people involved. May this trend initiated by Clarke continue."

Rob Burrett Review.doc.pdf — PDF document, 522Kb
Prehistory Society of Zimbabwe Newsletter



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