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Kumafulatsi: Mutambo wechiShona

by Wonder Guchu

Iyi nyaya inotora nzvimbo pamafulatsi panogara vanhu vanobva kwakasiyanasiyana. Inyaya yehupenyu hwavo; magariro avo; matsvagiro avo mari; inosetsa; inosuwisa; inoita kuti vanhu vafunge zvavari. Inyaya yedu isu vatema; inyaya yetaundi; inyaya yemagariro edu asanduka zvikuru.

This is a story that takes place at the (Mbare)flats where a lot of people from different places stay. This is the story of their lives, their culture, how they hustle for money; this story is fun, saddening, and makes people look hard on who they have become. This is the story for us blacks, the story of city life, and the story of how our culture has changed.

ISBN 9781779213297 | 164 pages | 210 x 148mm | 2022 | Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe | Paperback




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