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Indigenous Shona Philosophy

Reconstructive Insights

by Pascah Mungwini

Some of the most provocative questions confronting philosophers in Africa are grounded in the historical memory of conquest and the peripheralisation the continent. Mungwini offers a critical reconstruction of indigenous Shona philosophy as an aspect of the African intellectual heritage held hostage by colonial modernity. In this comprehensive work, he lays bare the thoughts of the Shona, who are credited with the founding of the ancient Great Zimbabwe civilisation. Retracing the epistemic thread in the fabric of Shona culture and philosophy, he explores the assumptions that inform their thinking. The exchange of such knowledge is fundamental to the future of humanity.

ISBN 9781920033507 | 228 pages | 210 x 148 mm | 2017 | NISC (Pty) Ltd, South Africa | Paperback


eBook ISBN: 9781920033521



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