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In Search of Protection

Older People and their Fight for Survival in Tanzania

by Helmut Spitzer, Zena Mnasi Mabeyo

Older people in Tanzania are disadvantaged and marginalized in many ways. They lack adequate formal social protection. They also suffer from diminishing family and community support. They face a series of multi-faceted problems and care for most AIDS-orphans, yet they are a much neglected target group in national social policy and international development programs. This book provides a theoretical discussion of aging issues and their linkage to social protection. It depicts various policy frameworks at international, Pan-African and national level. And it provides extensive empirical findings on older people's living conditions.

ISBN 9789987080809 | 142 pages | 210 x 148 mm | 2011 | Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania | Paperback



"This book lifts a corner of this invisibility, providing an informative summary of the situation of older people in Tanzania, against a backdrop of the largely ineffective global, regional and national policy environment."

Kate Kibuga Forrester, Tanzanian Affairs No. 113



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