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Bi Tirga

by Kouraogo Emmanuel

Léonard Bi Tirga, fils d’un paysan pauvre, est un élève studieux. Par manque d’argent, il quitte l’école et se débrouille pour étudier, travailler et aider sa famille. Léonard devient ouvrier dans une fabrique de chaussures. La vie du jeune ouvrier est, comme celle de ses camarades, très difficile : bas salaires et travail pénible. Avec ses amis il s’engage dans la lutte syndicale. Une succession d’événements difficiles et éprouvants renforce leur conscience militante, et fait de Léonard et de son ami Camille, des  leaders ouvriers. La personnalité de Léonard, ses vertus motivent le choix du titre « Bi Tirga », en langue mooré : jeune bien éduqué, honnête, travailleur, courageux  et digne.

Léonard Bi Tirga, son of a poor peasant, is a studious pupil. Due to shortage of finances, he has to leave school to make ends meet and pursue his studies. Léonard becomes a sweatshop labourer. As a young labourer, his life like that of his peers is hard. The pay rate is low and the work is hard. With his friends, they engage in trade union activism. A series of complicated and trying events reinforces their conviction to militate. Thus, Léonard and his friend Camille become Union leaders. Léonard’s character trait and uprightness explains the book title, Bi Tirga. In the Mooré language, this means a well educated, honest, hardworking, courageous and well-behaved youth.

ISBN 9789956578801 | 128 pages | 203 x 127 mm | 2011 | Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon | Paperback



“At the end of this interesting read, I have come to the same conclusion as Georges Duhamel: ‘Upon reflection, both route and goals are identical. Happiness is not just an end or the reason for life; it is its spring, its expression and quintessence. It is life itself’. As such, thanks go to Emmanuel Kouraogo for reminding us, with Bi Tirga, of this strong human exigency, happiness, which always comes as a result of a conquest.”

Sagado Nacanabo



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