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A New Dawn. Vol. 2

A Collection of Speeches of President Olusegun Obasanjo

edited by Ad'Obe Obe

The editor of this volume has compiled transcriptions of the Nigerian President's key speeches delivered between May 2000 and May 2001. There are some sixty speeches from a variety of political and state occasions, international summits and conferences, official openings and inaugurations. Reflecting Nigeria's prominence and diverse involvement in sub-regional, pan-African, and global affairs, the speeches, at home and abroad, encompass wide-ranging social, economic, diplomatic, foreign and health policy issues. Examples include: the address at the G15 Summit in Cairo; OAU summit addresses; commentaries on the impacts of globalisation/liberalisation in Nigeria; diplomatic meetings with Russia and the Far East; Budget addresses; meeting Thabo Mbeki, relations with South Africa and Nigeria's role in promoting peace, democracy and prosperity on the continent; and a speech from a pan-African conference on human trafficking and NGO activism.

ISBN 9789780293208 | 436 pages | 216 x 140 mm | 2002 | Spectrum Books, Nigeria | Paperback




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