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A Measure of Grace

The Autobiography of Akinlawon Ladipo Mabogunje

by Akinlawon Ladipo Mabogunje

Starting as a lecturer at the University of Ibadan, Akinlawon Ladipo Mabogunje's contributions to Nigeria have been wide ranging. Commonly know as the Grandfather of African Geography he has participated in census taking, forest resource management, establishing a state university; planning the new federal capital, promoting rural development, land reform, housing and urban development, community banking and poverty reduction. His poverty reduction program in Ijebu-Ode is now used as a model for empowering citizens to work together to break the out of the poverty circle, both in Nigerian and other parts of Africa.

ISBN 9789785042320 | 712 pages | 254 x 178mm | 2016 | BookBuilders Editions Africa, Nigeria | Paperback




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